Johor Johor Bahru Gelang Patah Eco Botanic
Eco Galleria
Eco Galleria, Eco Botanic
Eco Galleria
Eco Botanic, Gelang Patah
Eco Galleria is a Freehold Shop/Office located in Eco Botanic, Nusajaya. It is developed by Eco World Development Group Berhad and was completed in 2020.
Eco Galleria comes with 4 storey building which comprises a total 645 units. The built-up size of the unit measures approximately 725-4,471 sq ft in size.
Eco Galleria is near to amenities such as shopping mall (GP MALL Gelang Patah, ÆON Mall Bukit Indah & Sunway Big Box Retail Park), educational institutions (SK Gelang Patah, IDRISSI International School, SK Ladang Pendas, SMK Gelang Patah, University of Southampton Malaysia & EduCity International College).
Eco Galleria is well connected by Second Link Expressway, Jalan Ismail Sultan & Nusajaya Highway.
Quick Facts
Name: Eco Galleria
Tenure: Freehold
Type: Shop/Office
Address: Eco Botanic, Nusajaya
Developer: Eco World Development Group Berhad
Completion Date: 2020
No. of Storey: 4
Total Units: 645
Built-Up size: 725-4,471 sq ft