Kulim Perdana is a Freehold 2-Storey & 2.5-Storey Bungalow located at Kulim, Kedah. It is developed by Mbas Jaya Sdn Bhd.
Kulim Perdana comes with a total 82 units. The built-up size of the unit measures approximately 3,364 sq ft - 3,633 sq ft in size. All units come with 5 bedrooms.
Kulim Perdana is near to amenities such as shopping mall, night market local market and convenient stores.
Quick Facts
Name: Kulim Perdana
Tenure: Freehold
Type: 2-Storey & 2.5-Storey Bungalow
Address: Kulim, Kedah
Developer: Mbas Jaya Sdn Bhd
Total Units: 82
Built-Up size: 3,364 sq ft - 3,633 sq ft
Unit Types: 5-bedrooms