News & Articles 10 Tips on Getting The Best Price on Your Property

10 Tips on Getting The Best Price on Your Property

26 Jan 2017
10 Tips on Getting The Best Price on Your Property
Seasoned property buyers know that there are proven ways you can get the lowest price on any property you’re interested in. As a newcomer or first time house buyer, very often you’ll be verbally prodded by the agent or owner to pay higher that you actually should. This can sometimes be due to inexperience in bargaining, or just plain innocence.

Whatever your current position is, being more calculative and firm when negotiating the price of a property will definitely benefit you in the long run. Therefore, here are some tried and tested methods shared by seasoned house buyers to get the best deals:

1. Don’t appear over –enthusiastic when you’re visiting any property, even if you find that you love the place. Whoever is selling will sense that you’re desperate to own the house or commercial lot and will take advantage of your emotions. You should also refrain from outwardly stating that you want to buy the place outright. Instead, give vague answers and impressions, and maintain a poker face throughout. Yes, we’re serious.

2. If you’ve already paid the down payment on the place, inform the seller and see if they give you a more attractive price, as a bonus for your financial commitment.

3. Don’t give too much away during the negotiation process and let the agent or seller lead the conversation as they the more they know about you, the more they may be prone to use that information to influence you.

4. Be firm and learn to say ‘no’ when the situation calls for it.

5. Let your loved ones be there at the property negotiation as their backup opinions will be able to help reinforce your requests to the seller. Strength in number, as they say,

6. If the seller is too quick in giving you a lower price, you should question whether there is something amiss about the property or the financial transaction.

7. Don’t be too quick to believe the prices quoted by the seller as he may have gotten this unit for a fraction of the price he’s selling to you, and may have gotten a discount from the developer.

8. Don’t buy the first property you see. You may end up making an impulse buy that you regret later. Be patient and survey around to see if there are better locations and deals available, even if it is a different unit in the same apartment complex.

9. Do not feel like you owe the agent or seller anything if they are nice to your or offer you the best service. This is part of their job and should not influence your final decision.

10. Throw your net far and wide when looking for the right piece of property. Collect more information and spend time on research as you will have to put up with the property for a long time.



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