Assuming your monthly income is only RM 2000, it should be divided into 5 portions. First portion consists of RM 600, second portion is RM 400, third portion is RM 300, fourth portion is RM 200 and the fifth portion is RM 500.
Portion 1: Living expenses
With such a small amount of living expenses, you are only allowed to spend about RM 20 per day. Try to save on food, by bringing food to office. Treat yourself during the weekend.
Portion 2: Invest in people to expend your social circle
Deduct about RM 100 for phone bills. The balance should be used to treat your friends to meals. Do it twice a month. Spend the money wisely on people with experience, people with money and influence and people you are indebted to.
Portion 3: Educate yourself
Spend the money on 1-2 books per month. Read carefully. Explain to others what you have learned. Each month, try to attend a seminar and never stop educating yourself.
Portion 4: Travel
Reward yourself a trip a year, at least. Sometimes, you learn more about yourself and the world through travelling and exploration. Within a few years, you would have already gathered some precious memories and knowledge about the world.
Portion 5: Investment
Start by saving. Once you have a little amount of capital, try working on a small business. The success or failure of the small business is not the priority, since money invested is not much. The most important thing about having a small business is the experience you gained through it. Always have rainy day fund.