1. Always reflect.
When you are unable to close a deal with a client, start thinking what have you missed rather than pushing the blame on the client. Start thinking in the way your client thinks, and discover their needs.
2. Understand your client
If a client is reluctant to buy something from you, start figuring out the reasons that are troubling them.
3. Be a thinker.
When faced with challenges, you need to be clear headed, think rationally, and analyse deeper. It is normal to have problems, so take it as a challenge and have fun.
4. Put yourself in your client’s shoes.
Just merely understanding your clients aren’t enough, you need to be able to think, feel and act like your clients. Feel their worries, provide them with personalised solutions.
5. Be positive.
In order to lead your client towards a deal, you need to be optimistic even in times of rejection and failure.
6. Be a problem solver.
Clients put trust in you when you are willing to take on responsibilities, and help them solve their problems.
7. Be persistent.
It is okay to be rejected, as long as you never give up on a client until the client feels that you are a keeper.
8. Help as much as you can.
It is important that you help your client as much as you can. When it’s out of your control though, try to avoid the problem as subtly as possible.
9. Make appropriate assumptions.
When you are about to close a deal, act as if your client has already agreed to it. Lead your client in that direction and don’t give him or her the time to reflect and react.
10. Be irresistible.
Impress your client, make them feel as though they can’t live without the deal.
11. Sell a dream.
Most often, it’s not what we are selling, but how we are selling it. Sell it as if it’s a dream come true for your client.
12. Give your clients some benefits.
When all else fails, benefits never fail.