Malaysia Property News & Articles |
UK investors’ confidence on M’sian economy still high
UK investors’ confidence on M’sian economy still high

LONDON: The confidence of UK investors on the Malaysian economy remains high, thanks partly to the continuous high-level efforts by the Government to engage with its UK counterpart and private sector....

Posted on 19 May 2016 Read More
Things You Must Do to Prepare Your Home for Sale
Things You Must Do to Prepare Your Home for Sale

Once you have decided to put your house up for sale, there are a number of things you have to do before leaving. This is because the house has to leave a good impression on potential buyers who come b...

Posted on 19 May 2016 Read More
【买房必知】 买房前一定要算清楚!教你大马买房计算方法! 看完秒懂!
【买房必知】 买房前一定要算清楚!教你大马买房计算方法! 看完秒懂!

购买属于自己的房屋,是很多大马打工一族的梦想。辛苦工作那么多年,就是为了购买房屋而努力。但想要购买房屋,所需要的花费相当的高,不仅仅需要缴交房屋贷款几十年甚至30多年,就连开始购买房屋的先前开支也非常高。 想要购买房屋时,首先得准备10%的头期,以及律师费、印花税等等的费用。一般上,在购买房子时都需要缴付买卖合约律师费、买卖合约印花税、贷款合约律师费和贷款合约印花税。这些费用加起来也需大约R...

Posted on 19 May 2016 Read More
【2015年总稽查司报告】槟房屋缺监督 土著配额擅开售
【2015年总稽查司报告】槟房屋缺监督 土著配额擅开售

(槟城18日讯)槟州土著房屋配额制问题多,州秘书署房屋部被批缺乏监督,导致土著房屋配额在未获开放批准前就出售给非土著。 2015年第一系列总稽查司报告发现,虽然规定土著配额是30%,但真正拥有产业的土著不到30%,一些单位在入伙准证或申请开放获批前已售卖给非土著。 报告指出,根据2020年槟州结构大蓝图,为了鼓励土著参与经济发展,将保留30%房屋及店屋配额给土著。根据州政府现有的政策,...

Posted on 19 May 2016 Read More
Managing Of Bumiputera Housing Quota In Penang Unsatisfactory - A-G‘s Report
Managing Of Bumiputera Housing Quota In Penang Unsatisfactory - A-G‘s Report

GEORGE TOWN-- The managing of Bumiputera Housing Quota by the Penang Government was found to be unsatisfactory, according to the Auditor-General's Report 2015, Series 1. The report tabled in the De...

Posted on 19 May 2016 Read More
Perak To Ensure Affordable Houses Do Not Exceed RM200,000
Perak To Ensure Affordable Houses Do Not Exceed RM200,000

PARIT BUNTAR, May 18 (Bernama) -- The state government will amend its housing policy to set the price of affordable houses at not more than RM200,000, says Perak Women Development, Family, Community W...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More
Implementation of public transport system will be on time
Implementation of public transport system will be on time

PETALING JAYA: There will be no delay in the implementation of the public transport system projects despite the shortage of foreign workers in certain sectors, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More
【垃圾分类指南】垃圾分类你会吗? 6月垃圾分类不做最高罚1000!赶快学起来吧!
【垃圾分类指南】垃圾分类你会吗? 6月垃圾分类不做最高罚1000!赶快学起来吧!

垃圾分类措施9月1日铁定落实,但家中只有一个青色垃圾桶,该怎么做分类? 根据2012年的资料显示,全国每日的家庭垃圾量高达1万9千300吨,加上工业垃圾量则有3万3千吨。为了减少我国居高不下的垃圾数量,让可再循环的资源获得正確的处理方式,城市和谐、房屋及地方政府部宣佈將强制执行垃圾分类措施。 不过,该项措施只限於布城、吉隆坡、柔佛、彭亨、马六甲、森美兰、吉打和玻璃市。而3家固体废料承包...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More
金马崙大发展: 聚焦大自然 金马仑不要城市
金马崙大发展: 聚焦大自然 金马仑不要城市

金马仑高原于2013年和2014年连续两年发生大水灾,造成9人死亡,肇因之一就是森林过度开发。那么,政府当局是否吸取了教训,妥善规划金马仑未来发展,以免更多灾害发生? 根据《2030年金马仑县地方发展蓝图》列出的建议土地用途规划,金马仑县总面积为7万1225公顷,建议未来15年减少2321公顷森林地(约3252个足球场)。 蓝图数据显示,2015年的金马仑人口有4万440人,预计203...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More
Najib: M’sians need to be empowered to ensure growth
Najib: M’sians need to be empowered to ensure growth

LONDON: There is an urgent need to raise the level of education and skills in the country for higher productivity and wages as well as reduce dependence on foreign labour, says Prime Minister Datuk Se...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More
Malaysians spend more time in traffic jams than a year ago - Ford
Malaysians spend more time in traffic jams than a year ago - Ford

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians are spending more time in traffic gridlock than a year ago, according to an online survey conducted by global carmaker, Ford. The company said of the 1,050 Malaysian respon...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More
What do your clients really want? 25 client expectations every salesperson must know!
What do your clients really want? 25 client expectations every salesperson must know!

Listening skill is the key element in sales, therefore, it is important to listen to your client’s expectations. 25 client expectations: 1. Cut to the chase. Keep it simple, short, and direct. ...

Posted on 17 May 2016 Read More