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Police raid finds bombs in Damansara Perdana condo
Police raid finds bombs in Damansara Perdana condo

The police conducted a dawn raid at a condominium in Damansara Perdana and found five home-made bombs in a unit, making over 200 residents to rush out of the block. Two Malaysians fled the unit on ...

Posted on 17 Apr 2016 Read More

1. 门前垃圾,很多人对于家里的卫生状态都特别在意,房子里勤劳的家庭主妇,也是细心打理。但是对于门口的垃圾确有时比较少留意。其实门口的垃圾对于家中的风 水影响也是举足轻重。首先病从口入,开门见垃圾,各种肮脏的气味扑面而来,影响工作的心情。如果对于家中的老人或者小孩,影响会更大。直接关系到他们的身 体健康。其次,门口垃圾也是一个破财的布局,垃圾代表着霉气,出入皆可碰见霉气,人的运气也会大受影响。 ...

Posted on 15 Apr 2016 Read More
Mah Sing: Property market reaching turning point soon
Mah Sing: Property market reaching turning point soon

KUALA LUMPUR: The worst may be over for the property market with no further cooling measures expected, said Mah Sing Group Bhd group managing director Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum. Various indicators were...

Posted on 15 Apr 2016 Read More
Almost 6,000 MyDeposit allocations still available
Almost 6,000 MyDeposit allocations still available

Up to 7,000 house buyers stand to benefit from the First House Deposit Financing Scheme (MyDeposit) which offers a 10% incentive on the sale price or a maximum of RM30,000, whichever is lower. Nati...

Posted on 14 Apr 2016 Read More
6 hidden costs you need to know about when buying a home
6 hidden costs you need to know about when buying a home

Buying a piece of property can be very deceptive to many first timers. This is because they are unaccustomed to the many unpublicized costs they will have to pay together with the main price of the bu...

Posted on 14 Apr 2016 Read More
5,553 PR1MA Houses To Be Built In Perlis
5,553 PR1MA Houses To Be Built In Perlis

A total of 5,553 units of 1Malaysia People's Housing (PR1MA) will be built under the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) in Perlis starting this year. State Housing and Local Government Committee chairman Ma...

Posted on 13 Apr 2016 Read More
7,000 First-Time House Buyers To Benefit From MyDeposit Initiative
7,000 First-Time House Buyers To Benefit From MyDeposit Initiative

Up to 7,000 house buyers stand to benefit from the First House Deposit Financing Scheme (MyDeposit) which offers a 10 per cent incentive on the sale price or a maximum of RM30,000, whichever is lower....

Posted on 13 Apr 2016 Read More
【大马人必看】准备交INCOME TAX 吗?一定要看的8大減免,报税不心痛!
【大马人必看】准备交INCOME TAX 吗?一定要看的8大減免,报税不心痛!

踏入4月份打工族报税季节,看着被扣的税金,心痛的纳税人一定不会放过任何可扣税的机会,这是最直接的省税方式,也是最大陷阱。税务专家提醒,纳税人要省税的大前提是“报对税”,因为正确和准时报税、避免日后被罚款,也是“保护钱包”的方式之一! 致同国际会计行大马区税务主管盛绣雁回应《中国报》提问说,纳税人只要确定符合扣税资格,也有文件作为证明,就不怕申领有关减免。 很多人在报税时会陷入减免误区,...

Posted on 13 Apr 2016 Read More
【Agent日记】Property agent 好做吗?要成功先过完这“五关”再说吧!
【Agent日记】Property agent 好做吗?要成功先过完这“五关”再说吧!

第一关:“面皮关” 对于刚入行又从来没有做过销售的员工来说,面皮薄、不善于同陌生人打交道,出去派单、找客户挖盘源就像做亏心事一样。如果这一关也过不了,建议趁早离开这一行业。 第二关:“辛苦关” 越是成功的经纪人,业余时间就越少。因为个人时间支配权已经掌握在客户手里,随时准备为客户提供服务。同时,随着中介竞争越来越激烈,经纪人服务的内容和要求也越来越高。从选房、看房、签约、...

Posted on 12 Apr 2016 Read More
41,880 Applications For 19,225 Units Of PPA1M Residences
41,880 Applications For 19,225 Units Of PPA1M Residences

A total of 41,880 applications have been received so far for 19,225 units of the 1Malaysia Civil Servants Homes (PPA1M) on offer, said Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa. "There...

Posted on 11 Apr 2016 Read More
Penang Wants Fed Govt To Recalibrate Ceiling Price For Affordable Houses
Penang Wants Fed Govt To Recalibrate Ceiling Price For Affordable Houses

The Penang government Monday called on the federal government to reduce the ceiling price for the 1Malaysia People's Housing Program (PR1MA) from RM400,000 to RM300,000. Its executive council membe...

Posted on 11 Apr 2016 Read More

这些能力很重要,却是多数人不具备的。 第一个是用语言准确表达想法的能力。 有人说这不就是张嘴说话吗?只要不是哑巴都有这个能力。然而要想准确、顺畅地与人进行语言沟通并非易事,它要求说话者不仅要有缜密的逻辑思维能力,还要有较强的口头语言组织能力,能说、会说、敢说。准确表达自己想法的能力会给人留下深刻的印象,助你建立人际关系,但多数人都缺乏这项技能。 第二个是独处的能力。 ...

Posted on 11 Apr 2016 Read More