Malaysia Property News & Articles |

1、去思考一个问题,客户为什么一直没有跟你签单?什么原因? 很多同事提出客户总是在拖,我认为不是客户在拖,而是你在拖,你不去改变。总是在等着客户改变,可能吗?做业务从来不强调客观理由。客户不签单肯定有你没做到位的地方,想一想?这是一个心态问题! 2、认清客户,了解客户目前的情况,有什么原因在阻碍你? 你一定要坚信,每个客户早晚一定会跟你合作,这只是一个时间问题。我们要做的工...

Posted on 24 May 2016 Read More
SPNB Aims To Build 65,000 Affordable Homes By 2018
SPNB Aims To Build 65,000 Affordable Homes By 2018

KUALA LUMPUR, May 23 -- Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) aims to build 65,000 units of affordable homes across the country by 2018, according to its chief executive officer, Datuk Ahmad Azizi A...

Posted on 23 May 2016 Read More
马袖强: 待完成征地程序 安顺一马房屋料年内动工
马袖强: 待完成征地程序 安顺一马房屋料年内动工

(安顺22日讯)将于下周任满两周年的安顺区国会议员拿督斯里马袖强指出,目标拥有1000个单位,占地100亩的安顺“一马人民房屋”计划,预计在今年内完成征地程序后动工。 他说,在人民可负担大前提下,将与涉及的单位和部门,商议一马人民房屋的价格,确保售价可被接受。 “迄今,我们还无法确定地段所在,征用地段的程序已在如火如荼进行中,希望年内可完成。” 马袖强今天在安顺公布其任满两周年功...

Posted on 23 May 2016 Read More
政府旧古仔路发展MRT2 征购马包装味之素地段
政府旧古仔路发展MRT2 征购马包装味之素地段

(吉隆坡21日讯)政府将强制收购马包装工业(MAYPAK,8095,主板工业产品股)和味之素(AJI,2658,主板消费产品股)在吉隆坡旧古仔路的土地,以发展捷运第二路线(MRT2)。 根据马包装工业文告,被强制收购的土地面积8712平方尺,目前是在味之素(AJI,2658,主板消费产品股)的名下注册,单层工厂与三层办公楼,目前由马包装工业所用。 马包装工业将会向联邦直辖区土地局寻求土...

Posted on 22 May 2016 Read More
How Taking a Joint Loan Will Effect You
How Taking a Joint Loan Will Effect You

Taking a joint loan to buy property is a pretty common thing that people do in order to lighten their financial burdens when buying property. Usually one takes a joint home loan with a trusted and clo...

Posted on 23 May 2016 Read More
【名人名言】对未来失去方向怎办? 给你Bill Gates 精简十句话, 迷茫的人快看过来吧!
【名人名言】对未来失去方向怎办? 给你Bill Gates 精简十句话, 迷茫的人快看过来吧!

1 .社會充滿不公平現象。你先不要想去改造它,只能先適應它。 (因為你管不了它 )。 *是適應它,不是順應它,而讓它變成了"比較"的標準。* ⋯⋯ 2 .世界不會在意你的自尊,人們看的只是你的成就。在你沒有成就以前,切勿過分強調自尊。 (因為你越強調自尊,越對你不利 )。 *太在乎成就的人會在還沒有成就前就失去所有* 3 .你只是國中畢業,通常不會成為 ceo,你得把 ...

Posted on 23 May 2016 Read More
即使充民宅用途 小型办公室缴门牌税
即使充民宅用途 小型办公室缴门牌税

(梳邦再也19日讯)小型家庭办公室(SOHO)、小型多功能办公室(SOVO)及小型灵活办公室(SOFO),因买卖合约阐明为商业单位,业主需缴交6%商业门牌税。 梳邦再也市议会主席拿督诺希山今早主持常月会议后表示,虽购屋者买下以上单位作民宅用途,但因买卖合约注明为商业单位,便须缴付6%商业门牌税。 “6%商业门牌税实行已久,民众不能因小型办公室产业没进行商业活动,只缴交5%住宅门牌税;况...

Posted on 20 May 2016 Read More
Ringgit remains higher against US dollar in early trade
Ringgit remains higher against US dollar in early trade

KUALA LUMPUR: The ringgit continued last week’s uptrend to open higher against the US dollar in early trade Monday, supported by demand for the local unit and an improved Consumer Price Index (CPI) fo...

Posted on 23 May 2016 Read More
Landed properties much sought after despite property glut
Landed properties much sought after despite property glut

PETALING JAYA: Demand for landed residential units is still promising despite the current property glut, said an official from a local real estate services provider. CBRE|WTW managing director Foo ...

Posted on 23 May 2016 Read More

每一年主题流行色都不同,那2016年到低流行什么顏色呢?DurianShare 整理了今年最流行的色系,就是配合今年经济缓慢走势的疗色系─马卡龙色系,不火红不沉闷,让马卡龙色系激活您年轻的心! 马卡龙的特殊性就在于给人柔和、年轻之感,自带治愈系光环,赶紧跟上时代的步伐,用最流行色将家装扮起来吧! 马卡龙的色调都不会显得太刺眼,看起来更柔和,具有舒缓压力的作用,让您在家也倍感舒...

Posted on 20 May 2016 Read More
4 ways to clean and maintain white furniture
4 ways to clean and maintain white furniture

White is a pretty common colour for interior decorating as it provides a neutral background for colour coordinating any room in the house, from the living room to the kitchen. White however, is one of...

Posted on 20 May 2016 Read More
LPHS Did Not Implement Governance Action Plan, Supervision Of Bumiputra Housing Quota
LPHS Did Not Implement Governance Action Plan, Supervision Of Bumiputra Housing Quota

SHAH ALAM, May 18 (Bernama) -- The Selangor Housing and Property Board (LPHS) was found not to have implemented the governance action plan and supervised the Bumiputra housing quota, and these need to...

Posted on 18 May 2016 Read More