Malaysia Property News & Articles |
Buy The Right Property Insurance for Your House
Buy The Right Property Insurance for Your House

According to General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM), most Malaysians purchase the fire insurance only. However, this basic insurance has limited insurance coverage. Therefore, PIAM is int...

Posted on 27 May 2016 Read More
料年杪动工 用工业建筑系统 曾吉容四支碑建一马房屋
料年杪动工 用工业建筑系统 曾吉容四支碑建一马房屋

(安顺25日讯)安顺一马房屋征地程序已完成,占地40.46亩的1000个单位将在苏丹依德理斯教育大学旁的曾吉容四支碑兴建。 巫统曾吉容区州议员拿督阿扎指出,他与一马房屋首席营运长拿督阿米奴丁开会后决定,一马房屋预计将在今年杪兴建。 他今日颁发死亡抚恤金后表示,该土地原属于森那美集团,州政府将在行政议会上公布消息。 “一马房屋将分为四个阶段兴建排屋、半独立式及独立式房屋,售价介于1...

Posted on 25 May 2016 Read More
Govt Approaches Target To Build 100,000 Units Of PPA1M By 2018
Govt Approaches Target To Build 100,000 Units Of PPA1M By 2018

KUALA LUMPUR, May 26 - The government's target of building 100,000 units of 1Malaysia Civil Servants' Housing (PPA1M) throughout the country by 2018 has almost been achieved with the launch of another...

Posted on 26 May 2016 Read More
Kelantan Facing Land Problem To Build Affordable Houses
Kelantan Facing Land Problem To Build Affordable Houses

TANAH MERAH, May 25 -- The Kelantan government may not be able to achieve its target of building 5,000 affordable houses by 2018 due to land problems, said State Local Government, Housing, Youth and S...

Posted on 25 May 2016 Read More
3 Must-Dos Before Buying a House
3 Must-Dos Before Buying a House

Have you ever considered that buying a house is equivalent to buying a lifestyle? It is important to take lifestyle into consideration because it will be your living condition for as long as you live ...

Posted on 26 May 2016 Read More
【买房指南】 你弄清婚前财产了吗?!买婚房不能忘的那些事, 不知道你可能要吃大亏咯!
【买房指南】 你弄清婚前财产了吗?!买婚房不能忘的那些事, 不知道你可能要吃大亏咯!

新婚姻法的出台,让更多人开始关注婚前财产的问题。婚前买房婚后买房、婚前协议、房产证怎么署名,都有讲究。买婚房前,先把这些事弄清楚,可以避免日后的诸多纠纷。 弄清什么是婚前财产 婚前财产是指在结婚前夫妻一方就已经取得的财产。夫妻一方的婚前财产,不管是动产还是不动产,是有形财产还是无形财产,只要合法取得,就依法受到法律保护。 婚前买房注意事项 1、房产证署名要谨慎 ...

Posted on 26 May 2016 Read More
Government Completed 182 Abandoned Private Housing Projects - Halimah
Government Completed 182 Abandoned Private Housing Projects - Halimah

KUALA LUMPUR, May 25 - The government completed 182 abandoned private sector housing projects from 2009 until April this year, the Dewan Rakyat was told today. Deputy Minister of Housing and Local ...

Posted on 25 May 2016 Read More

验房流程: 1. 建筑商在取得新建商品房房地产权证后,应以书面的形式通知购房者在约定的时间内对房屋进行验收交接。 2. 收房时首先应该检查《竣工验收备案表》、《房屋土地测绘报告书》、《住宅品质保证书》、《住宅使用说明书》等相关的证件是否齐全。 3. 阅读验房的相关法律档。 (1)、检查入住的房屋是否是自己所购买的房屋,如与购房合同、附件及补充协定不符,入住前要向房地产商提出...

Posted on 25 May 2016 Read More
How You Can Celebrate the End of Your Home Loan Repayment
How You Can Celebrate the End of Your Home Loan Repayment

Have you finally paid off a home loan you took 20 or 30 years ago? Are you extremely happy that the house is finally, finally yours after such a long time? Well, you deserve to be happy! Home loan...

Posted on 25 May 2016 Read More

(布城16日讯)政府为月入3千至1万令吉的中产阶级(M40)首次置业购买价格不超过50万令吉的屋房辅助最高3万令吉或屋价10%的MyDeposit计划,已经选出首100名受惠者。 城市和谐、房屋及地方政府部长拿督阿都拉曼达兰披露,这100名MyDeposit计划的受惠者将于本月杪获得政府发放辅助金。 接获3千501份申请 他指出,截至目前为止,房屋部已经接获3千501份申请,交...

Posted on 16 May 2016 Read More

由于产业市场前景看淡,今年上半年,发展商普遍采取谨慎态度,对于新推售的产业计划选择观望、再决定的策略。 大马房地产发展商会较早时对业者展开调查,总结调查结果显示,准备在2016首半年推出产业计划,以住宅产业者居多,其中分层产业占8千126单位、有地房产则有6千921个单位,至于商业产业单位只有458个。 发展商意识到销售率保持高水平并不容易,因此,有些业者选择延后推出一些计划,或是缩小...

Posted on 15 May 2016 Read More
How to Convince Your Client in Less Than 10 Seconds
How to Convince Your Client in Less Than 10 Seconds

1. Display A Positive Image People are more willing to communicate with a person that seems kind, honest and dependable. You need to face your potential clients with a good standing posture, a sm...

Posted on 24 May 2016 Read More